22 Sep Finding Your Bliss in Los Angeles
1. If given the opportunity to do anything that I want, what would I do?
Do not worry about how you are going to do it or if it is possible to do. Don’t worry about what your friends and relatives will think about what you want to do. Just think about what you truly want to do in life. You probably don’t give yourself enough time, space or credit for being able to do this. You might have to do it a few times before you pull the truth out of yourself. Just relax and find the correct answer to this question.
2. What do you feel is your purpose in life?
What type of image do you associate with this purpose in life? Are you painting or writing? Are you thinking about a movie or a song? Allow yourself go down this road and be open to the images that come to mind. Do not make judgements or have any type of specific expectations. Just be open and trust the images that pop up. Your Los Angeles life coach can make really help with this process!
3. When was the last time that I allowed myself to really be me?
You can really find out a lot about yourself when you ask this question. The last time might have been when you were a child. Or, maybe you were a young adult who had a dance class that you couldn’t wait to get to every week. Or, it might be the last time that you were able to donate your time to a favourite cause.
It could have been a number of times at different ages. But, you just have to think back and find those fond memories of the times when you were the happiest. When was the last time you really felt alive? When did you really feel like yourself? What activities were you doing? Was there anyone with you? Is there any particular location that made you feel great every time that you visited it? When you go through your memories, what things really make you happy? These are the questions your life coach Los Angeles will help you re-discover answers to.
Let your best memories and experiences help you to grow and create the things that you need and want for your life.
Start by answering the above questions. You might find this process challenging. Do not feel bad or judge yourself about what you feel. This is all about you. Don’t be discouraged if you cannot answer these questions automatically. It might take you many attempts before you can really pull this important information from your brain. It does not matter how long it takes. Just understand that you are doing the right thing and that you will find your answers eventually. As you get more information, you will know how to create what is needed. You won’t have all of the information in the very beginning, but you will be on the right road for getting all that you need. Keep at it until you feel like you have finally found yourself. Working with your Los Angeles life coaching will help you on your way to the way you dream of and the one you deserve!
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